Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hostels, rooms and beds...

There are 6 hostels divided into Northern and Southern Hostels. I am in the Northern hostels… the higuer, the better!! I am in hostel F and when I got here, on August 18th, I was the very first exchange student to arrive at the Uni!!

The rooms have to be shared with a local student, but even though it’s not quite big, the only thing to pay apart from a very cheap campus price, is the air con.

Gosh, the mattresses though are pretty tough, really, invest in a mattress and a pillow because if not, you will break your back. I’m telling you, I was kinda surprised: maybe it does help my back and my posture now. I might be getting used to it since I didn’t get a mattress but have put my winter blanket on top of it. It helps and I can deal with this… for now…!

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